with AutoISO-5000 3x phase adaptor
MIC - 10k1
with AutoISO-5000 adaptor
The most advanced insulation resistance test meter on the market.
MIC-10k1 meter is designed to measure the insulation resistance of electropower objects, i.e. single- and multi-core cables, transformers, motors and generators, capacitors, switches and other devices installed in power stations.
Key features
- Unique ability to perform measurements on multi-core cables, within one connection step, using the AutoISO-5000 adapter.
- Reduces the chance of Cable Discharge shocks by using automatic switching of phases. No manual changing of Primary test leads.
- Graphical visualisation of the measurement process combined with numerical values provides a reliable picture of insulation condition throughout the measurement cycle.
- Measurement voltage any in the range of: 50…10000 V (50...1000 V at 10 V and 1...10 kV at 25 V),
- The maximum voltage of 10 000 V and the measurement range of 40 TΩ ensures the measurements on the most effective materials used to insulate high voltage objects.